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A few things about Coach

 A few things about Coach. I have an extremely love affair with his bags, wallets, wristlets, etc. I find myself loving anything and everything he makes. So here's some tips to help when you have a doubt about real vs authentic.

 1. There will never, ever be a bag that has a leather tab behind the hanging logo charm. I see this a lot lately with the colored, leather jet set bags. The hanging charm will always be on a matching leather strap or a chain, hanging on its own. The leather circle behind it means its fake. Also, some newer bags have an attached gold color emblem on the outside top of the bag that says Coach. This should never have the letters attached by a thin plastic bar behind them. The letters should be clear and separate.

 2. The stitching and placement of logos on Coach ANYTHING is meticulous. It will never be crooked or imperfect. The stitching will always be exact and will never be an abstract color compared to the bag. A brown leather bag will NEVER have green stitching and a white bag will never have red stitching. All colors will match perfectly against each other. A tan bag will have tan stitching ALWAYS.

 3. This is a great rule of thumb for all handbags including Louis Vuitton, Coach, Coach, etc. A logo will never be on the inside and outside of the same bag. A round monogram jet set by Coach will have the words Coach on the inside. I personally have seen in the metallic handbags that in some places on the inside there is light stitching of the round monograms BUT a clear difference is seen between both. The outside monograms are clearly defined and the inside monograms are VERY light. This serves a purpose on this particular bag. It goes by size. This only happens on smaller items like wristlets, wallets and small handbags. The inside monograms will never be obviously stated and darkened.

  4. Contrary to popular belief, Coach bags DO have date codes. They are hidden very well inside the bags. Date codes are placed on all of his authentic items. To find them you will usually have to pull the bag inside out. They are along the pipping on the inside. It is a small white/clear plastic tab with the words "made in China" or "made in Vietnam" or made in wherever, followed by letters and numbers. There will always be four numbers that represent the month and year that the item was made. The letters represent the style of the bag. For example; Jet Set Totes will have the letter "B" followed by a "-" and then four numbers. Dont be afraid if your bag does not have a code but only has a tab that says "made in blah blah blah". Many of the older bags do not have the letters and numbers on them. It seems that the people who make "inspired" bags have not figured out this little trick of the tag placement or about the tag at all.

 5. And lastly, like Louis Vuitton, Coach DOES NOT have an outlet. Coach products are only sold in his own store or department stores like Macy's, Saks, Nordstrom, etc. There is no factory outlet! Don't let the Internet fool you! There are tons of websites that say they get their products right from Coach stores but it is untrue. If you buy from a site like this, you will get some cheaply made fake leather bag with some sort of plastic nonsense glued to it. Unlike Louis Vuitton, Coach bags DO go on sale. I have seen sale bags in stores like Nordstrom Rack. If you have never been to Nordstrom Rack, get there immediately. It is a fantastic store to find your favorite luxury brands for a fraction of the price. I went last week and picked up a purple Coach that retails for over $250 and snatched it up for $109. Coach shoes that retail for over $80 are being sold for $30! It's amazing! But you probably will not find Coachs that are neutral colors. Bags only go to Nordstrom Rack when there are left overs from last season that didn't sell in their regular priced department stores and usually the weird colors like green or purple will sell last compared to black or white. I sold two replica Coach bags in my closet as my first sale. I sold them because I purchased them off eBay being shown pictures of genuine Coach and then being shipped fakes. I spent over $400 on them and couldn't get my money back. I felt sick to my stomach selling replica bags but the person I sold them to really loved them! She was buying them for her daughter and I was very upfront and honest about the condition and the fact that they weren't real. I've said this before and I will say it again, everyone appreciates honesty. That's all that's needed. Scamming someone out of hard earned money doesn't interest me and it shouldn't interest you. No one likes being scammed and karma is a real bitch! I genuinely hope this helps people when deciding whether or not to spend your money on a bag on Posh. Please know that there are honest sellers here. Just because they are selling something cheap DOES NOT mean it is a scam. Some people just out grow things or really need the money. Also remember to ask questions!!! Most sellers understand getting the third degree over high priced items! If someone gets mad, they usually have something to hide! And always remember that for every honest seller, there are dishonest sellers which is a shame. There's no shame in needing cash but there is a shame in lying about the product you're selling! If its an inspired bag, be upfront! Be genuine! It gets you much further then lying. Like I said, to each is own, if you want these cheaper can visit ,cheaper and honest

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