Today, we will again focus on the art of imitation. is one of those replica bags stores that claim to offer high quality knockoffs and not just any type of high quality, but a 7 stars one. Because any smart shopper will first look at the facts and afterwards consider the promises, I invite you to join me on a thorough review of this company and see what kind of products and services it really offers.
As far as design goes, has a very complex website. It is right at the limit between elegant and over-crowded. Its homepage is stuffed with all sorts of menus, buttons, sliding banners, static banners, featured products and bulky texts. It takes a while to get used to it and visualize the important information. Because of these things, it is not very friendly or easy to use. Also, even though it features several luxury brands, the home page is reminiscent for LV bags. The colors, the pictures and promotions are all about Louis Vuitton replicas.
The menu bar is located right at the top and it is very simple and discrete. It features buttons for 10 brands and one for ?�Arrivals?�. As you have probably seen on many other replica websites, after you click on one of the buttons, it loads a new page that has in the left side of the screen a very long list with all the available designer purses- more than in the main menu.
The collection is very large and diversified. It basically includes most of the very popular luxury brands. The Louis Vuitton category manages to impress with over 1,500 different models. When you see such a large collection, your first instinct is to be grateful that you have plenty to choose from, but when you find out that there is no filter or advanced search option you immediately change your mind. You just have to go through all of the items until you find the perfect one. Luckily, the replica bags are organized into sub-categories.
The prices are quite affordable and these range between $100 for the smaller bags and $350 for the larger ones. The luggage collection which includes bigger products with many pockets, zippers and belts are pricier. These usually cost about $300-$500, depending on their size and the choice of materials. There is also a wholesale discount available, for bulk orders you get a 50% discount.
The pictures on a replica handbags website are really important because these certify the quality and design accuracy of the products. This is why all companies should invest in their own photos. For instance, does not appear to have its own product pictures. On the site there are several types of images- some with a white background and some with a gray one. Both types are very clear and show the fake purses from all possible angles. Plus, you can also enlarge the photos. But all these do not mean a thing if the pictures were copied from other catalogs.
When you order a replica handbag from you have the option of paying by credit card or by Western Union and receiving a free Louis Vuitton wallet. Yes, maybe the free wallet offer may sound good, but I do not know if it is really worth it. Western Union transfers are less secure than credit card payments and all these transactions are usually charged a fee that varies between 5% and 20% of the amount you are sending. Better opt for credit card payment and pay for the wallet if you want it that badly! does not offer free delivery no matter how many products you buy or where you want them shipped. The company charges a $20 flat rate shipping fee and is able to deliver your order worldwide. This shipping rate isn??t that expensive and the packages are shipped with EMS. If EMS delivery isn??t available in your country then they will use DHL, Fedex or UPS. The usual delivery time is about 7 business days and the store also needs a couple of days to prepare the products for dispatch.
The company offers a 14 days replacement or refund policy. This policy has a condition though. If the reason why you are requesting the return is related to the quality of the replica bag then they will compensate you for the return shipping fee and send the new one at their own cost. If the reason is not related to the quality then you will have to pay for the shipping back costs and a $30 restocking fee. Furthermore, it does not mention a thing about offering a repairs warranty. If the bag breaks after the first two weeks, what happens then?
On the website, the only options you discover for contacting customer service are by chat or by sending a message through the Contact Form. A phone number and an email address are not provided. Regarding, the contact form- it says that in 24 hours all questions will be answered. I highly doubt that. I also tried chatting with an agent. I clicked the chat button that said ?�Online?� and I??ve waited for more than 30 minutes for someone to take my chat. This did not happen.
Just like many other replica bags online stores, specializes in selling Louis Vuitton purses. Even though it carries various other brands, LV represents the largest part of its collection. If it wasn??t for the poor customer services, unreliable product pictures and unfair return policy, it would be the perfect website for those who are looking for a new Louis Vuitton purse. Still, the company has some pros as well and we should mention them- affordable prices, worldwide delivery, credit card payments and a diversified selection of beautiful knockoffs.