How can you tell if the Michael Kors handbags that you are about to buy online are authentIc from the designer? Designer handbags are a big wardrobe investment , and there are nothing worse than discovering you spent a large amount of your hard earned money on a replica Michael Kors handbags. Follow these 6 simple steps to verify the authenticity of your purchase.
1 Made in
New Michael Kors handbags feature a 'Made in...' tag. Older handbags may not feature this tag or state different countries of origin. Be leery of sellers from china. While sellers from china do not always sell fakes, it does raise a red flag if the bag ships from china
2 Inside Logo
The Michael Kors logo, in full or MK on the lining, may appear on the interior of the handbag. Check the font, spacing and positioning of the logo carefully, as well as the material quality.. Also check for a serial number
3 Stitching
Check the stitching on the handbag very carefully. It should be straight, neat, even and clean. Also look closey at the color and qui ltey of the leather to make sure it looks llike real leather
4 Hang tag
Most Michael Kors handbags feature a hanging MK logo. The distinct MK letters are very close together and any engraving will be neat and clean.. Check that the spacing and metal color is correct.
5 Hardware
Where featured on a Michael Kors handbag the hardware will be made of solid metal and will not flake or chip. Some pieces may be engraved and if so the engraving will be clean with a high quality finish. It will never be made if plastic.
Always buy items such as this from a buyer offering eBay buyer prootection and happy bidding!