This is the first review on the blog and after seeing this replica Gucci Soho Shoulder bag, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I??ve also heard some bad things about this replica site, but that??s probably because they have so many products. Or too many. Review
I??m not saying that extensive collections and variety are bad things, I??m just saying you can??t expect all products to have the same quality.
A friend of mine was brave enough to order a Gucci knockoff from this replica site even though she wasn??t sure about them either and she also shared her review with us. It??s important for me to mention that the replica Gucci wallet was bought from, so if you were wondering why the two products look so different, that??s the answer. Here??s her story:
?�Hi Eva!
I??m fairly new to your blog, but I love it. I??ve used your tips for shopping for replica bags and I wanted to share my recent purchase with you and your readers.
I purchased a bag from I was a bit skeptical about purchasing from this site because there aren??t many recent reviews about it, but I thought I would take the chance. The shipping took 3 weeks. This was a long time for me because I was very excited. Next time, I??ll definitely pay for expedited shipping.
This bag didn??t come with any special packaging, but it did come with the Gucci dustbag and authenticity card. The leather is soft and smells amazing. The stitching is very neat. Overall, I??m pleased with this purchase.
I purchased the matching wallet from Aliexpress. I love the quality of the wallet as well but the only thing I was upset about was the bamboo tassel. I wanted it to match the purse. The pictures on the vendor??s page was for the tassel without the bamboo.
What are your opinions on these items?
Thanks for your time Eva!?�
I asked my friend for more details about her replica Gucci handbag and I also expressed my worries about the replica Gucci wallet being too shiny. This can sometimes be a sign that the bag or the wallet is not made of real leather. Here is her answer:
?�The stamp on the inside is not deeply embossed if that makes sense. It??s noticeable in person but impossible to photograph. I attached a pic of it without the flash.
The hardware on the purse is a very light gold. I also attached another pic to try to capture the true color.
The wallet is soft and smells of leather. However I don??t know for sure if its genuine leather, can only go on the word of the seller. It is shiny while the purse is matte but the wallet is softer than the purse. I believe there is the matte and glossy version of the Gucci Soho so I guess that??s what the wallet is trying to replicate.
To note I bought the wallet separately from an Aliexpress seller. I am second guessing the quality of the wallet now because I inquired about a purse yesterday (the Gucci Soho tote with the chain handle) and requested pictures. That purse doesn??t seem to be a good replica judging by the overly gold color of the hardware, the shape of the purse, and the inaccurate feet at the bottom. It also appears shiny as well. (see pic attached).
So?�I??m satisfied with the purse. I suppose I should have ordered the wallet from as well. Shame on me for trying to save a buck lol.
I am on the hunt for the Gucci Soho medium tote with the chain handle in the Khaki color. The site where I purchased this purse from doesn??t have it in that color. Any suggestions?