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Returns and Exchanges
If you wish to cancel your order before shipping, you must contact us immediately email. And 5% cancellation fee will be applied.
Unwashed or unworn (except tryout) may, within 7 days of the goods from the date has been returned. Point (s) must be returned State or received goods will be returned to sender.
*** Director
1.A return authorization must be obtained from customer service for a refund. Or the package will be sent back to you.
2.Please give the reason for return in the return authorization and return address to receive.
3.pack goods safely. Please include the following information with your return: bill-name, address, ship name, address, order number, the reason for return.
requests for exchange of trade must be made within 7 days of receipt of the order for the goods
Enter the exchange element and the new color or size of your e-mail to customer service. ! must be in a new and unworn condition to be removed.
Availability of the replacement product is not guaranteed. You will be notified by email of the completion of the transformation changes.
Rating: ***
Shipping is not refundable.
*** 20% handling fee will be deducted from the refund.
*** If the item is non-quality problems, customers must add 20% postage for exchange delivery fees.
*** Return may takes 1-2 weeks and lasts at least one billing cycle for the credit to your account will appear.
*** For the customer service for questions to the return authorization, please write to


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