If it's in fashion, we all want to buy it! We all want to be trendy with a designer purse on our arm and we would go to all lengths just to fulfill this dream. Is tophandbags.ru the right online replica bags store for this? Let's find out!
The company sells Jewelry, Scarves and Bags, but we will focus only on the fake bags. These fake bags also represent the largest part of its replica products collection. On the top menu bar we can observe the most popular purse designers around the world. Balenciaga, Chanel, Christian Dior, Prada or Louis Vuitton are just a few of the famous names that are being sold by tophandbags.ru. Only nine handbags brands are included in the menu bar, but when you click on the ?�All Brands?� button we discover fourteen other designer names. Surely, any woman passionate by fashion will find here a couple of dream bags suitable for styling up her outfits.
After clicking on one of the brand names, a list with all the available designers is displayed in the left side of the page. Each category is nicely organized in collections. This is a very good thing as it makes it easier for us to find the models that interest us. Additionally, there is a filter that allows us to sort the products by name, price, model or rating. I don't think that an advanced search is needed on this website as each brand category includes only a couple hundred models so browsing through all the items is not that difficult and does not require that much time.
The less expensive replica bags here start at $30, and the more expensive ones go up to $33. The average prices offered by most online replica companies are $38-$200, so I guess it is only safe to say that tophandbags.ru has really low prices for its imitation handbags.
As any self-respecting online replica company, tophandbags.ru offers a money back return policy. To be more specific, all customers who are not satisfied with the products can return them within the first 15 days and request a full refund. Within the same time frame, the replica purses can be exchanged with the same models or with different ones.
What I have noticed is that these replicas do not have an actual description. Their description page is a joke! The only thing it includes is the size of these fake purses. No other information is provided.
The company claims to accept the following payment options: Western Union and Money Gram with a 10% discount, and also Bank Wire without a discount. This is very strange as after checking out, the only available payment method is Cash on Delivery. Why state that you take certain payment methods when you do not even include them in the order form. Also, tophandbags.ru does not take any type of credit card payments. This is very strange. I don't find it pretty secure ordering from a company that isn't able to process any credit card transactions.
tophandbags.ru ships packages worldwide and the delivery takes about 7-15 business days. The downside is that the company does not provide free delivery and the shipping is actually quite expensive. For example, to send an order to US is $30. It seems like a great deal of money just for shipping. The packages are shipped with EMS, DHL or UPS and a tracking number is provided. Also, it takes about two days to prepare an order for shipping