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which brand handbags do you Favorite

which brand handbags do you Favorite

There are many famous brand handbags which are making costly clutches, and people love them like Chanel,hermes,Louis Vuitton, Fendi, etc. People are purchasing them with high price tag for their status. It is now trending in the society, and people love them instead they should be against them to spend a large amount on purses is not good.

Here you can find top 10 most expensive handbags in the world along with their prices

 Gucci:It is known for their classy and subtle design with an inverted ?�G' on the flap. Sharon Stone has been seen flaunting this handbag on many occasions, even Jessica Chastain, Naomi Watts, Anne Hathaway and Emma Stone have all been spotted at different times with this brand on their arm. If you too wish to try this look without breaking the bank, choose from the wide range of Gucci replica bags for sale.

 Jimmy Choo Bags: Each bag is handmade with leather, which adds exclusivity to this amazing collection. Musical pop diva Beyonce has a huge fetish for Jimmy Choo too.

 Chanel Bags: Chanel bags are known for being upper class. They are recognized by the two inter connected 'Cs'. Chanel bags are Lauren Condrad's favorite and it could be your favorite too!

 Armani: The plain solid colors and simplicity makes Armani a standout pick for any girl. That is why it is the first choice for Princess Charlene of Monaco, who owns a huge collection of Armani bags.

 Louis Vuitton: These bags may hail from sumptuous 19th century France, but the style never ceases to lose their charm. You can carry everything but the kitchen sink with a messenger-style handbag or a roomy tote bag. Just like Penelope Cruz, you too can get hooked to the design, utility and charm of these gorgeous handbags.

 Dolce &Gabbana: The shimmering sheath is the trademark style of Dolce &Gabbana. Victoria Beckham has been seen carrying a different D&G bags to dozens of occasions.

 Prada: We all know that Prada is an absolute power brand. Check out how Kate Winslet is in complete awe of this range or look at Miranda Kerr and Diane Kruger for outfit ideas on how to rock these amazing bags.

 DKNY: We've seen DKNY target women who are looking for smart and youthful handbags. Members of the British royal family, like the Duchess of Cambridge, could not resist the charm of DKNY either.

 Fendi: If flamboyance and charm are overpowering features of your personality, similar to Rihanna and Kim Kardashian, you are sure to be spell-bound by this magical arm candy.

We conclude that trends are now much changed in the world, and people are now more conscious about their whole look and to maintain their status. There are many brands which are making costly handbags and people are still purchasing them

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