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Shipping Methods

We deliver our bags to our customers via courier services: EMS,it like usps, TNT etc, EMS is the recommended shipping method, because it is easier for EMS to clear the customs.

also you can chose DHL for shipping,but it will need add the freight, Different weight different volume will have different price,if you want to use DHL shipment, pls contact us .

Shipping Time

After your payment done, we??ll deliver the bags/wallets to you within 48 hours. The shipping duration is about 5-10 days to most countries worldwide. and we will send an email to you with the tracking number after we sent out the

product your order.

EMS shipment:

3??6 days to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore etc.

5---8 days to USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, etc.

6??10 days to European countries: UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden etc.

About 48 hours later, you can get your tracking number and track your order online on


DHL shipment:

2??5 days to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore etc.

4---7 days to USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, etc.

5??8 days to European countries: UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden etc.

DHL will need change the tracking No. when arrived hongkong china, after you get the tracking No. you can track here:

Shipping Countries

We deliver our bags worldwide. If you can choose your country name when you place orders, we can deliver to these countries easily. If you can not find your country when register on our site or place order, please contact us first.

We can easily deliver our bags to the following countries:

Australia    Austria     Belgium   Canada        Denmark    Finland   

Germany    Greece    Hong Kong     Hungary     Iceland     Ireland  

Luxembourg     Macao     New Zealand     Norway Poland   Portugal      Qatar

Singapore       Spain    Sweden      Switzerland      Taiwan        Thailand

Turkey        United Kingdom        United States of America

If you are not from the countries above, please contact us before you place an order.

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