The replica Neverfull purse is one of the most popular purses in the world thanks to both the brand and its design. As you already know there are plenty of sites that sell Louis Vuitton fake purses and that's why I try to review as many of them as possible.
It's not unusual for replica LV purses to look good at a first glance but once you pay attention to details it turns out they are not so great after all. That's why I keep saying that you should never buy something from a replica site without a minimum research first.
A friend of mine recently bought this replica Neverfull bag and she was kind enough to share her photos with us for a review. I thought this was a good opportunity to find out more about this replica site and what it has to offer.
From what I see in the pictures, this replica Neverfull bag is not bad but it's definitely not the best I've seen either. It's just one of the many mediocre Louis Vuitton replica purses on the market. Since this is a classic bag model that's been around for so many years, you would be entitled to expect a bit more from your LV replica Neverfull.
This bag has some obvious flaws and it was impossible for me not to notice them. For example, the ¡?amade in France¡?A stamp on the inside is much lower than it should be and too close to the stitching. The overall stitching looks pretty good from what I can see, except the part on the leather tabs that attaches the handles: the little V the stitches form should be deeper and there should be 5 stitches instead of 4. Also, the handle tabs are too wide and rounded when they should actually be more oval-shaped. The handles brim should not have this bright shade of red and shouldn't be this thick.
The photos are not very clear so I can't really tell if the color of the Monogram canvas is actually off or if that's just from the light.
I know that all of you, my dear readers, want to find the best Louis Vuitton replica out there, but in order to get it you need to stick to trustworthy sites. And since is one of those sites that don't use their own photos I wouldn't put it into that category.
I know that even if you have all the information, it's still hard to feel 100% confident about a replica site, but then again, I'm always here to help