www.bagsfy.com review
www.bagsfy.com Creation Date: 2014-08-04,China replica handbags seller. there are cheaper Celine,coach,chanel,gucci,dior,fendi... handbags and wallet.
Payment: Visa Credit Card,Western Union,Money Gram,Bank transfer.Paypal
www.bagsfy.com site description:Women & girls can not live without handbags today. Leather handbags can also be cheap when it is on sale. You can definitely find one handbag that suits you perfectly in our online store
.International shipping is handled by Air INTERNATIONAL EMS Express Company, within 1 week time delivery usually.
.All orders will be insured for the full purchase amount, and can be tracked at the EMS website after shipped the order.
.All international shipments are shipped via EMS express mainly in retailing,while for wholesaling,Please contact us. That is why you can enjoy fast shipping and great discount offering here off retailing. Save more money now enjoying real brand new quality.
.We are a professional online dealer and cooperate with EMS expressing long-term, shipping order and delivering right to your door. Please make sure you are at home when the packages will be arrived.
.All the packages will be mailed inside another box!
Return policy
.We are committed to your complete satisfaction. All ordered items here are closely to the word here "what you see on our website are what you get in 7 - 14days". Before enjoying easy exchange & return policy, You must contact us with returning shipping address before sending the items back. All items sent back to us must be in their original condition i.e. not worn, altered or washed, with all tags attached.
.All ordered items are the right items you pick here. We promise you of the right order package. So if returning right items for a refund: all returned items are subject to a 15% restocking fee. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable.
.We do not cover the shipping cost of returns or exchanges of right order package, you will be responsible for the shipping and handling costs. Additionally, we recommend that you add tracking and insurance for your own protection, as we cannot be responsible for lost shipments.
.All returned merchandise should be sent to the shipping address we email you after you get our feedback here!
Orders usually ships within 24-36 hours, once your order has been shipped, an e-mail will be sent to you within the next 48 hours reflecting that your order has been shipped with tracking numbers. It will indicate which carrier was used and a method of tracking the order to your door. Please allow 7 - 14 workdays for delivery. Orders May Be Delayed for the Following Reasons:
- "Bill To" and "Ship to" addresses are not the same.
- Order is pending a credit approval and verification.
- A product is currently out of stock.
- An order which requires special customization.
- An order is shipped to a special location such as Alaska, Hawaii, or APO/FPO.Delivery is guaranteed. In the event that your package is lost or seized, we will reship once at our expense. We are not responsible for any import tax or duty charged to your package. Import is the responsibility of the customer.
.We will accept exchanges for a different size or color within 30 days of the original order dispatch date. Please contact us with your Order ID and one of our team members will help you. If you would like to exchange items to a different style, you would have to return your items for a refund* (as per Return policy) and place a new order for the style you prefer.
.You must contact us before sending the items back. All items sent back to us must be in their original condition i.e. not worn, altered or washed, with all tags attached. Worn or dirty items will be returned back to you.
.We do not cover the shipping cost of exchanges, you will be responsible for the return postage and for the shipping and handling cost of shipping the exchanged items back to you. We recommend that you add tracking and insurance when sending items to us for your own protection, as we cannot be responsible for lost shipments. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable.
Order Cancellation
.Cancellation of an order must be requested before the order has been dispatched. Cause that we process all orders as quickly as possible within 6-8 hours after orders placing, so we are not always able to cancel an order after it is placed. Hope you can understand in this key point. Cancellation requests after the order has been dispatched will be treated in accordance with our Return policy.
Friendly Notice: If you did not receive your 10-digit tracking number within 7 days after placing your order, your e-mail server may have seen it as spam. In this case, please contact us for assistance in orders' tracking.