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Shipping & Returns
You can receive your order within 8-15 working days!

Information on the required delivery
 The information needed for shipping is your full name , address and telephone number. Please be informed that we can not ship your order by ZIP CODE address, and PO Boxes or similar addresses are not available for shipping.

 Please make sure that you have entered the correct delivery address and contact number.

 Please allow 8-15 days for delivery of your item .

 We will send your tracking number within 24 hours after receiving your payment.

Shipping Method
Normally , we use Chronopost as shipping method . But for some counties, we will use DHL as shipping method . All products have free shipping.

Monitoring methods
After your order is shipped, we offer Chronopost or DHL tracking no. and Web site for you . There are two methods to get above information from us,
<1> Visit our website and re-login to check the update status .

<2> Check your e -mail to send us updated on the status of your e -mail address.

Note: ( If you can not check it immediately with the tracking no, please take more patience to wait a while) .

Non-Delivery or Wrong
 We are not responsible for reshipment if you provided us an incorrect or incomplete address.

 If you're refused to sign the order, we will charged 30% as a cool handle, if the package has been restored after several times unsuccessfully delivery (due to your absence or you have provided an address incorrect or incomplete us ) delivery, we will need 30% shipping.

 For customers who do not receive your parcel within 15 working days.

Please contact the local post office as soon as possible. Still, you can check with the local post office directly with your ID card or other valid certificate and the copy of the information so that you can print out when login your registered account on our site.

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