www.replicaluxury.net review
replicaluxury.net Registered On 2013-12-05,Tech Email:[email protected],it is a china replica handbags site(Registrar:WEB COMMERCE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED DBA WEBNIC.CC),the main products are Louis Vuitton,Chanel,loewe,bottega veneta replica handbags,wallets.handbags price rank $170-$300
replicaluxury.net site description:Sale Designer Replica Handbags Fake handbags:Including Louis Vuitton handbags, Prada handbags, Hermes handbags And Other Replica Handbags
Returns / Exchanges
We offer 180 day warranty on every item you purchase from this site. Shoes and bags may be returned or exchanged ONLY if it is faulty. Warranty does not cover ordinary wear and tear or damages caused by external reasons (such as scratches, oil spot, folded trace etc..). Warranty does not cover damages due to personal misuse/negligence.
We offer a 14 day refund policy, if you are not 100% satisfied with the goods, we would only issue a refund if
the item is in its original condition, which means the product hasn't been sized, worn, plastic removed, damaged, scratched or tampered with.
the item is returned within 14 days of purchase. (from the day the goods is signed for /received) After 14 days we may not issue a refund, but exchanges may be acceptable.
All returns are at the customers' own cost.
The refund amount will be the exact amount you paid for the item without shipping fee.
Exchanges will be subject to price difference adjustment (if there is any).
All returns: please contact before returning of the goods to avoid unnecessary costs on both sides. Wish you a happy shopping experience, any problem just drop us an email at [email protected].
I just check whois www.replicaluxury.net the Registrant Organization is Chanel, Inc,so this site will be shout down soon