replica handbag,shoes news review review Creation Date: 2002-07-20 16:54:54 .Address:932 S. Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90015 .Phone: 213-747-7145
there are fashion handbags,evening bags,wallets ....some bags are Under $10 site description:"Handbag Fashion for wholesale handbags,

fashion handbags, designer's inspired handbags, evening bags, clutches, belts, caps,

hats and more. Fashion World offers the highest quality handbags and hottest fashions

for women


Fashion World - Shipping & Return Policy

Shipping Policies

The goal of is to provide a wide selection of handbags products 24

hours-a-day. We will make every attempt to ship your order in the same day the order

is placed. Our normal order processing time is between 1 to 2 business days. Delays

may occur for products on back order, in limited availability. Orders placed on

weekends or holidays are processed on the next business day.

Shipping is done by either UPS or FeDex. Shipping cost is calculated based on weight

of the item(s) or size of box(es).

Shipments that are refused or undeliverable will be subject to a restocking fee of

25%, in addition to applicable shipping, transaction and insurance fees.Furthermore,

any shipments returned "REFUSED" for any reason will be permantely dropped as a

distributor and no further shipments will be made.

International Customers - ships worldwide therefore international

orders are welcome. However, when placing the order, please keep in mind of the

relatively high shipping cost to your location.
Return Policies

If products have defects or damage during transit, you may return it within 5 days

from the receipt of merchandise to receive credit towards next purchase or exchange.

Please note that credits due to out of stock will apply towards next purchase too.

You must send an email with Company info, invoice number, and reason for

return/exchange prior to returning package. We do not accept used or worn products

for return. We do not accept returns for products other than defect or damaged during

transit. We do not accept sequined bags for return as they are very delicate items

except special circumstances.

Refused, unclaimed or undeliverable orders are subject to a 25% restocking fee from

the total invoice amount in addition to the shipping charges for both ways.

We reserve the right to correct any errors found in our website price list, catalog

or invoice.

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