Celine Soft Bag
I rarely feel handbags too fast shutdown. For most brands, the introduction of a consumer-friendly handbag is a process that is not paid immediately, and instead, with the introduction of the season or the time it takes for a bag to grow on them. "The next best thing" The fast route is dangerous for shopper's continuity in the mind, and it may cut off the design before it reaches its full potential, so the brand usually puts packages On the chopping block of the proverb is very conservative when they arrive there, I usually agree that they should go. In recent years, with the exception of the Celine all-soft bag, there is a big exception.
CelineAll Soft made its debut at the 2013 Resort, as it did before the popular homeless, big bags and minimalism. A few years later it disappeared from the shelves of the store, although it was sad to hear its demise, but I finally forgot it all - after all, pockets swung around every day. Still, I remembered my love for All Soft, a few weeks ago I was at the KFC party. A decent woman with a walked by my side, and the only time my brain can come into contact, my only thought was "Wow, this is a perfect package." It's still the same when it's open.
Few brands really have enough forward thinking to take the time to venture beyond their own, but Celine is one of them, while All Soft is ahead of its time. In retrospect, the design is so fine tuned to all the features that are now available on the accessory, and its features are on top of it: light shoulders, spacious, color-coded logic panels that give a very simple shape a modern note. No hardware or gimmicks, just a very solid, chic design. All Soft never took off in 2013, but in 2017, I can imagine that we will see it often if only new possibilities exist.