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Gucci Green Dionysus Embroidered Hobo Bags

This has been a long time no Gucci handbags so tempted before. As the streets of the lens to see, I think this bag will fire. But it gives me the feeling that as we often say "better second eye", more and more beautiful, more and more want to have that kind.

It is called the Gucci Dionysus Bag. In his best romantic interpretation budding appointed Gucci designer Alexandro Michel, then named after the Greek mythology, "Dionysus", so it was called "Dionysus handbag". Gucci Dionysus Little Embroidered Hobo Bag Green will be able to remember all of a sudden it looks like. Very wide narrow profile, sturdy handbag chain, is still the classic double G logo, but in the decorative details, but very well, any kind of pattern and color, together with the romantic poet hand-painted. Calf people will not come to follow, always care deeply memorable. Really want to say something: waste beautiful eyes, beautiful, beautiful. Gucci Dionysus handbags and shoulder bags, handbags, purses and many different styles. There are many bags of material, and we often see the section of stitching canvas and suede, and suede and python skin, crocodile skin and other rare leather style.

The most eye-catching of this place must be manufactured double Steller stirrup buckle bag. The reason is the tiger, as well as Greek mythology about Dionysus Dionysus story, he likes with animals, in order to load the girl across the Tigris River, he became a tiger, so the buckle design is therefore come out. In addition to this bag buckle, Alessandro embroidered in the bag pattern design, also did not leave the Greek mythology, which has appeared in a variety of plants, insects and animals. Bacchus large variety of handbags, is also good for the cent of the desire to drunk. Looks like the boy does not rely on the back.

Said, "Dionysus handbag," the name comes from the ancient Greek or Roman mythology, Bacchus. He is a typical romantic, especially in literature and art, not difficult to understand why the name. He is a legendary tiger incarnation that carries a beautiful young girl across the river ... so it it it also locks bags with double tiger elements. This is because there is a myth that makes the bag a little more Dionysian aura.

Diaper handbags and you may have seen the package is different, especially special. It is a whole romantic retro feel, is nowadays the most popular new chain design. You've never seen a combination of double G logo stitching and multi-faceted folding bag designs, making the lines look too tough and stylish, especially the handsome, double tiger added is fine. Alessandro continually dares to do plus, so many elements, but it looks just beautiful. Although the rookie Bucks handbag industry, but it was born destined to become a classic, even in It Bag today, the new classic bag models also have its place. This wine red suede flowers dotted star model of the influx of people. Now there are the number of birds and insects in this passage of fire, love is just a star.

There are more exaggerated flower section, for those who despise the double G logo girl, looks a little big flower jacket, but the upper body of the effect of particular fashion. Dionysus Flowers Print Shoulders. Original leather material with a sense of structure, hand-painted flowers and patchwork texture of the Tiger buckle. Sliding chain bags with a variety of back way, you can freely switch between the shoulder and hand. 28 cm (W) x 18 cm (H) x 9 cm (D) counter genuine mold, high quality to this embroidery is almost completely covered with a double-G Logo, especially layered

Dioniso Arabian embroidery + logo printing money, there is a sense of a sense of texture leather shoulder bag tattoo buckle buckle, the use of Arab original leather refining. Sliding chain bags with a variety of back way, you can freely switch between the shoulder and hand. Camel European Association Blue lining, finished with suede Horn: 28 cm (W) x 18 cm (H) x 9 cm (D) The original leather has a sense of structure, with leather flip lock and key cover. Sliding chain bags with a variety of back way, you can freely switch between the shoulder and hand. The modern theme of the new Gucci logo floral motifs is inspired by 18th century tapestries and screens portrayed in Chinese landscape paintings. Flowers, insects and birds, including dragonflies, butterflies and hummingbirds. Plants and animals are rendered with light and fast stroke patterns, and printed on the GG Supreme canvas using 3D effects. Beige / ebony leather top, using environmentally friendly technology, with brown leather trim vintage metal accessories, tan superfine fiber lining, looks like suede, but the United States.

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