Designer Balenciaga, Chanel ,Delvaux,Dior,Gucci , Wish Bags buys, sells and trades preloved authentic Designer Handbags and Accessories.
No returns, refunds or exchanges will be accepted. ***
All items are sold ?�As it is??. Please send us an email if you have any questions regarding an item you??re interested in. As a small, dedicated team, every customer is of major importance to us. We will happily respond to any queries within 24 hours of receipt.
We will work with you closely so you can make the right shopping decision.
For your peace of mind, we can also provide you additional high resolution images. Please get in touch with us at [email protected] or give us a call on +32 494 684 696 Monday to Friday, 10am to 8pm.
Please remember all items we offer (safe for the brand-new condition), can show a varied degree of wear ?C from mint condition to well worn. When in doubt, please ask us to elaborate on item specifics: we have no problem in disclosing all flaws, as we believe that adds to the overall character of the piece. Obviously, any flaws will be reflected on the price of the item.
*** The only exception will be in cases where the bag received does not correspond total or partial to the advertising description. If the item received is not as described in the advertising, the buyer may send the item back to us and he will be fully refunded.
We have to be informed about the discordance in 24 hours after received the item.
Return Shipping Costs are not refundable.
Eventual loss/difference due money conversion are not our responsibility.
For Purchases Out of European Union:
Important: If you will return an item, as no sales is taken place, this is a temporary import. Please mark the customs value as 0�. If your return result in Customs payment, it may be deduced from your refund.