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 Free Shipping

a. We use Express Mail Service, U.S. Post Office, DHL for all shipments, EMS and Post Office Free shipping for all orders, with a 4 to 10 business days delivery from dispatch, usually you will get the parcel in one week. Once an order is dispatched from our premises, we will track the items for our customers all the time . If parcel are delay for the unexpected transit traffic , or damage arising out of late delivery of the shipment please contact us immediately !

b. All delivery times and dates are provided as approximate estimates only and are given from the time of dispatch, and NOT from the order date. Additional delays may occur during the months of September - March due to the high demand and heavy load on postal services.

c. It is your responsibility to ensure your correct contact details that will be send over to the courier company. If we are required to redirect the shipment, any associated costs as may be applicable shall be your responsibility.

d. You can track your shipment online on the Post Office Website USPS.COM .

e. Whoever personally accepts the delivery of the courier at the address given by you shall be deemed to be the rightful recipient of the goods.


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