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1. Free Shipping

a. We use Express Mail Service, U.S. Post Office, DHL for all shipments, EMS and Post Office Free shipping for all orders, with a 4 to 10 business days delivery from dispatch, usually you will get the parcel in one week. Once an order is dispatched from our premises, we will track the items for our customers all the time . If parcel are delay for the unexpected transit traffic , or damage arising out of late delivery of the shipment please contact us immediately !

b. All delivery times and dates are provided as approximate estimates only and are given from the time of dispatch, and NOT from the order date. Additional delays may occur during the months of September - March due to the high demand and heavy load on postal services.

c. It is your responsibility to ensure your correct contact details that will be send over to the courier company. If we are required to redirect the shipment, any associated costs as may be applicable shall be your responsibility.

d. You can track your shipment online on the Post Office Website USPS.COM .

e. Whoever personally accepts the delivery of the courier at the address given by you shall be deemed to be the rightful recipient of the goods.

2. Exchange / Return / Cancellation

a. We accept Exchange or Return if the products are damaged, or there're any shipping errors, such as you received a wrong model, wrong size or wrong color item. Or other faults caused by us.

b. Before Exchange or Return, you must contact us with returning shipping address before sending the items back. Click Feedback to contact us.

c. You'd better take a photo of goods that you want to change and show it as an evidence to us for us to confirm the information and deal with the issue for you soon.

d. Items must be returned in their original, undamaged packaging and must be in an unused condition.

e. Please return to us within 7 days of receipt, and all returned items are subject to a 20% restocking fee (Unless the fault was caused by us ).

f. If we find that the product has not been returned to us in fully re-saleable condition, we reserve the right to refuse a claim for a refund on the item, or deduct up to 50% of the selling price from the refund claim.

g. Please be aware that post and packaging is not refundable, except where items have been returned because they are faulty or do not otherwise conform to your order.

h. All the issues should be solved within 30 days, including exchanging time. Please allow 20 calendar days to arrange refund after we receive the return items, we would appreciate your cooperation.

i. All shipping charges for exchanges are to be paid by customer (Unless the fault was caused by us ).

j. All duties, taxes, or fees required to be paid for returned items are the sole responsibility of the customer.

k. Shipped Orders can be Canceled. All Orders usually will be shipped to the buyer in 24 hours. If yu want to cancel your order, please Contact US first.

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