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Shipping Policy
We provide free global express and freight services through EMS and DHL.
Delivery Time
We need one or two working days to process your order.
Order Tracking
When your order is submitted successfully, you can track your order through emails.
Refund Policy
If you find that the item you purchased has quality problems after you signed your order, please contact us within 72 hours after you received the item. However, if the quality problems are caused due to your reasons, we will charge you 30% of the order price as the handling fees.
1.The original packing slip must be enclosed with all returns. We will not accept item(s) that has been damaged, soiled, scratched, altered or worn.
2. You must be responsible for the fees caused by the return of the item(s).
3. When we receive your returned item(s), we will deduct 30% to 40% from the original order price and give you refund.
4. We will process your refund in 15 working days.
1. The original packing slip must be enclosed with all returns. Please ensure that the item(s) has not been damaged, soiled, scratched, altered or worn before you return the item(s).
2. For the return or exchange of the item(s) caused by your personal reasons, customers are responsible for the shipping fees.
3. For your order problems, our customer service personnel will contact you through emails.
This website reserves the right of final interpretation about the above information.