www.vogueking.me review
www.vogueking.me(Vogueking.co Vogueking.me Vogueking.us Vogueking.info Vogueking.com) Creation Date:2014-05-09,there are Handbags,Wallets,Shoes,Watches,Belts,Scarves,Jewelry,Sunglasses,Caps on the site,some bags are cheaper replicas,but the price is same as the leather bags
www.vogueking.me site description:VogueKing Offers Replica Handbags,Replica Designer Handbags,Replica Discount Handbags in high quality and cheap price.
Return & Exchange
We are confident of our top product quality and excellent customer service, our customers will simply be satisfied with their purchases by us.
But in case a customer wishes to return or exchange the order, we offer:
1. Refund: 14-DAYS money back
2. Exchange: 30-DAYS exchange
from the day customer received the package.
How to return or exchange?
1. please make sure the item(s) you would like to return or exchange is/are NEW, UNUSED and can be sold again;
2. contact us by mail service@vogueking.com to get our informations for return or exchange;
3. you may exchange the item for any other product in Vogueking at the same or lower price. If you exchange for a cheaper item, the remaining balance will be refunded to your credit card;
4. shipping-back costs are at the expense of customers. But if the item that you are returning or exchanging, is defective or shipped wrong, we will pay the shipping-back costs;
5. please insure the package. We are not responsible for shipping damages;
6. mail us the tracking number of the package after you have sent the item(s) back;
7. we will refund or exchange the item, once we have received the parcel;
8. please allow 1-2 weeks for the refund appearing on your credit card statement;
9. All returns or exchanges are due to a 15% restocking fee. But if the item that you want to return or exchange, is defective or shipped wrong, you don't need to pay the restocking fee;
10. we will not accept any refund or exchange, which was not proceeded in the way set forth.
What You See Is What You Get
Customers may be worried that they will receive the items which are different from that displayed on the website. We know that many customers have experienced, they paid the price for a real leather bag on other sites but received a cheap PU leather bag. So, customers should be cautious by choosing the trusty online dealer. Vogueking guarantees, what you will receive are just the ones displayed on our website. What you see is what you get!