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We accept returns for these events only:

   1. Clothes or shoes or bags have quality problems which caused by our Distribution Center. For example the shirt has a hole,the high heel is broken.Something like these.Returns must be made within 7 days after you receive our products.
   2. Please choose carefully for the size you want when you purchase your clothes ,shoes. We don't accept the returns for size problems.
   3. The items you receive are not as described. If the items you received are not the ones you ordered on our website, we accept this return, and it must be made within 3 days after you receive the items.
   4. Before returning something,please take photos for the events and contact us, then we e-mail the our full address to you for return your items.

   5. Ship by  Postal Parcel(Regular mail service) . please enquiry to your Postal Office.except you agree to pay for return shipping fee ,you can choose any shipping company who work better for you.

   6 .Returned shipping fee will be on our account and fully refund together.
Enjoy your shopping here.


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