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Payment method

2.Western Union

3. Wire Transfer/Bank Transfer/T/T

4.PayPal (Regular Customer)

Refunds/Exchanges Policy 30 Days Return Guarantee
we are pride of ourselves on offering quality merchandise.
We want you to be completely happy with your order.
If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply follow the instructions below.
Shipping Errors and Damages (quality problem)
Please email us if your order arrived damaged or if a packing error occurred; You may provide us with your order number, track number, and a description of what happened. We will let you know what to do next. If a replacement item is in stock, we will reship it to you immediately, you will be charged for the second shipment, but you will be credited for the original item including delivery and handling once the item has been delivered.
The merchandise may be mailed back to us, return item within 30 days from delivery
Please contact  [email protected] for the return address. 
And tell us what matter with the merchandise you received
You will get a Refunds/Exchanges Authorization from us
Please e-mail and tell us a package is coming back, provide us with a tracking number and carrier you used
Remember that shipping is at the expense of the customer.
The product must be returned unused and in the original condition you received it, with all original packaging and no signs of wear.
If you are not satisfied with our items and want Exchanges
We will reship the right merchandise which you want exchange,
If you are not satisfied with our items and want to exchange, you need to pay the shipping cost.
If you are not satisfied with the quality of our bags, we can refund you.  But you need to send the bags back to us first.  
We aim for complete customer satisfaction.
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