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Return Policy
We will try our best to make sure the products shipped to our customers are in good quality.

1.Return& Refund
Products with quality problem in 7 days (from the date products were received) can be returned and


Customer needs to send the products back to the designated returning address which will be

provided to you by email. A full refund will be proceeded after receiving the returned package.

Color aberration is existed due to the color effect by the PC monitor and lighting condition. The

quality problem is not included with color aberration.

Quality problem can be defined as obvious quality defects, not following the customization

requirement of customer and size deviation from the original size criteria as well as required


For the dispute on size deviation, please take some photographs on the merchandise by laying it on

the ground and place a tape-measure to measure out the problem. Customer shall submit the

photographs to and may have the designated

personnel to take the dispute and a reply will be offered within 24 hours.

By considering the uniqueness of the product in the event of the product is in Custom Made. We can

offer you a revise service based on your requirement. The return or exchange of the product in

Custom Made is not accepted.

We don??t take any responsibility on the delay of your using the product if the processing of

Custom Made order is delayed due to the late remittance of product fare and arise with dispute on

item return or exchange.

We don??t accept the request for the return of your received product in the event of product did

not meet your requirement on the change of style from the original product design. We shall

strictly follow your requirement on the change of the original design of product after you paid

for the relevant order you placed.

We made the items by strictly follow with the style and the material displayed on the site, all

requests for returns such as not like the picture I ordered, dissatisfy about the quality and not

the material I like etc, are not accepted.

In case of your not satisfied about the product received from us, please contact our customer

service as soon as possible.

For maintain your own interests, we don't accept the returning of the goods you are not satisfied

without a Return Authorization. We are neither responsible for the refund nor take over your

dispute on the product after your return the goods without the Return Authorization and caused the

package missing during the return.

2. Return & Exchange
All exchanges must be addressed within 14 days of receiving products. In order to make an

exchange, all items must be in original, unworn, dead stock condition, with original packing or

you will not qualify for an exchange. Exchanges can only be made if the products were factory

defects and/or it was a result of our mistakes.

Unacceptable reasons for exchange are customer chose wrong size/wrong color/wrong style/customer

decides no longer wants. reserves the right to apply this charge to any exchange! We will not

accept returns if we sent you the correct products but you can exchange it for the one you want.

Read our policy and make sure you select the correct product,color and size and ask any question

about the products before you purchase! You can contact us at

Instructions for Returning Goods

Before returning goods, please contact us first to discuss the issues you are having. In over 90%

of cases we are able to sort out the problem, without you having to send anything back.

If there are irremediable defects with the goods, you can return them back exchange under our 7

Days Refund / 14 Days Exchange warranty.

Please email your order number to, our Customer Service Department will

offer you our return code and return address, also some important instructions.

The returned order number should be displayed on the outside of the box you are returning to

Generally we advise you to return faulty goods by Post Office rather than couriers like DHL, UPS,

these couriers are much expensive than Post Office.

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