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Return Policy
From our site, your satisfaction is what we strive for.

We offer a comprehensive return policy to ensure that once you own a luxe-italy handbag product.

We accept returns for exchange or refund for the following reasons :

1. Received Damaged goods
2. Shipping errors
All products offered by Luxe-italy are protected by a 10 Days Full Satisfaction Policy which guarantees a full refund or product exchange if in unused conditions.

We are absolutely confident that you will be happy with your purchase from us because each piece is inspected by hand for quality. We understand; however, that every customer is unique and we are flexible to meet your particular needs. Customer satisfaction in our products and services is our top priority.

If for any reason, you are not content with your purchase please contact us immediately

We will then provide instruction on where to return your bag(s). You must return the product(s) within ten days of receipt for exchange or refund. You must send your returned package via courier at your own expense and provide us with a tracking number in order for a refund/replacement to be issued. We do not charge a restocking fee but in such cases, we lose the cost of the initial shipping and so can not pay for shipping both ways.

Once your return is received and inspected by our warehouse staff (usually within 48 hours of receipt), we will process your refund and automatically apply a credit to your credit card or original method of payment within 7 days. Please note that depending on your credit card company, it may take an additional 2-10 business days after your credit is applied for it to post to your account.

Kindly include when you contact us the following information. This will expedite the processing of your return.


Your full name and the date the order was placed and received.
A list of the product(s) to be exchanged or refunded.
The reason for the return of the products.
If you have any problem, please conatct with us firstly via email is: [email protected]

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